Hacking Communities
RSVP: "Community Hacking", Growth Through Belonging
Dear On Deck Fellow,
Belonging is our source code. Sharing values, food, thoughts, ideas, knowledge, and resources. Gathering under the tree, around the fire. Living together, building a tribe, growing a village, then a city. Co-creating, from little huts to Wi-Fi on airplanes. The world has changed, but our latest update (H. sapiens) dates of thousands of years ago (both software and hardware). Belonging still matters. The way we get together may have changed, but the why we stay together remains. Communities are the reason we survived, but it can be the why we thrive. It’s time we create better, more diverse communities. In times of uncertainty, we want relationships, not transactions. We need to reinvent communities.
Let’s get it on! Join us on December 10th, 9AM PST, for a one hour workshop where we will go over:
Grow a community around a brand, product or service;
Frameworks and cheat-sheets to accelerate trust-building through interactions. Engineering serendipity through purposeful encounters - virtual or physical - to build collective relationships that last;