People Making Places with Purpose

The reasons why people go, return to and stay at certain place have changed. From public to private, commercial to residential, we are free to choose places to go and belong. We are also more specific about it. We want places that offer beyond the basic: memorable life experiences

Industry City, Brooklyn, from ghost town to a vibrant space where creatives and entrepreneurs find room to thrive.

Industry City, Brooklyn, from ghost town to a vibrant space where creatives and entrepreneurs find room to thrive.

“We don’t want just food.
We want food, fun and art”

Arnaldo Antunes, Marcelo Fromer e Sérgio Brito

Places play a circumstantial role in our society, from defining lifestyle and communities to real estate value, influencing our economies in various ways. In a re·shaped world, we need to re·signify places and enhance access to a better life, culture and communities to people.


How We Work

Empowering Through Action

Strategy consulting

We help you grow from foot traffic to commitment. We incorporate place making methodologies into an existing development by sitting with those with in charge of attracting and engaging people with to it.

Facilitation and Learning

Place Making is still a term utilized by a niche community, worldwide. Through talks and workshops, we aim widen its reach as a concept and mechanism to benefit more people through public and private spaces, around the world.


Place Making in a Nutshell

When people create stories around your space, you create ownership.

Belonging is about identity. Place making is about giving identity to spaces. Attracting a branded community to it. Building a sustainable and loyal base of customers who will define themselves as part of your place. They will act as your ambassadors.

Build up a sustainable, community-driven, and self-populating place.

Flawless programming, an accurate tenancy curation, making a deal with the perfect anchor tenant and other actions are just indicators that you are walking in the right direction. What really matters are the encounters and conversations happening around your place.

Inspiration: BIbliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria - a place revitalized to keep its identity, while serving thousands of students and visitors on a daily basis with its core function (spreading knowledge).

Inspiration: BIbliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria - a place revitalized to keep its identity, while serving thousands of students and visitors on a daily basis with its core function (spreading knowledge).